Banks Auto Service
Automotive Repairs & Diagnostic Services
to Get You Back on the Road
Banks AUTO Service Inc.
After dealing with a car problem, almost everyone wishes they had been more diligent about routine maintenance. Staying on top of your vehicle's care is the single most important thing you can do to extend its life and keep you safe on the road. In order to save you money on costly repairs down the line, Banks Auto Service is equipped to perform auto repairs, provide diagnostics, and offer preventative maintenance services like oil changes. We have you covered from bumper to bumper. Knowing that even a little issue could have far-reaching consequences for your vehicle and daily life, we take great satisfaction in providing comprehensive diagnostics and repairs. Stop by our auto shop in Atwater, CA, today!
Oil Changes
A/C & Heating
Timing Belts
Check Engine Light
Are you having problems with the vehicle's systems but you have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it? Do you want an expert to take a look at this and lay out the issues in detail for you? There is nothing more frustrating than knowing there's something wrong with your car but not understanding what it is. We can fix all of your car troubles. By combining state-of-the-art diagnostic methods with good ol' fashioned experience, we can find the root of your issues and resolve them quickly and affordably. Our support staff can handle any diagnostic problem, from flashing lights to power failures to more subtle difficulties.
Contact us today to schedule your service.